9 Tips for Providing an Excellent Virtual Onboarding Experience

Onboarding is the orientation process that takes place when a new employee joins a company, and you’re likely pretty familiar with it! While no 2 onboarding experiences are ever the same, they generally include at least the initial set up and introductions, but should also include the ongoing process of training and integration into the company culture. 

Onboarding used to mean an informational tour of the new workspace and informal introductions with new colleagues. These days, though, many companies have shifted into the virtual workspace and the process of joining a new company can now be done fully online. Although the basic concept of onboarding remains the same, many face to face onboarding strategies require specific adaptations to be successful in a virtual environment. Surprisingly enough though, many do not and initiatives like giving your new employee fun desk accessories to make them feel at home are still encouraged!

So how do you go about making these adaptations and providing an excellent virtual onboarding experience for your new remote employees?

The Process

Because your new employee will likely be working on their own as they start their new role, it is important that the onboarding process be made as simple as possible. Creating streamlined and efficient processes will show your new hire that your company works well and cares about its employees’ time. You can achieve this through initiatives like:

  • Initiating Early Onboarding (or, Pre-Boarding)

It’s very helpful to get things rolling a few days in advance before a new employee even starts their new job. This process is called early onboarding or pre-boarding. By giving a new hire a few days to prepare for the start of their work, you can help ease some of their concerns and start to build your relationship with them. Sending out a welcome email in particular a few days in advance is an important way to connect and begin the process. 

  • Providing Information Packages

These emails can include information about how to set up the company’s messaging system and video chat software, a welcome package of necessary work policies, FAQs, instructional videos and more, and are an integral aspect of any pre-boarding process. Developing a comprehensive, easily accessible and updated website or online information package that includes these important documents is a good idea as well, as it will make finding information easier and much more worry-free for new employees. 

  • Providing Essential Tools

Early onboarding might also consist of sending out any necessary hardware, software subscriptions, or other tools that may be needed for the job. Having these tools early can help a new employee feel more prepared by allowing them to set up and familiarize themselves with new technology in advance of a busy first week of work. 

  • Updating Onboarding Technology

Ensuring that onboarding technology is working well means that time spent logging in, entering information, and setting up new accounts is not wasted. There is nothing more frustrating than having to re-enter tedious personal information, such as insurance and banking details, into a flawed data system. Having an easy and streamlined process will ensure new employees start off on the right foot. Providing the new employee with a designated contact person for each of the elements of the onboarding system will also ensure an easier process. 

The Experience

The first day of work for a new hire marks the beginning of a relationship with both work colleagues and the company. Ensuring a seamless onboarding process is integral to creating a positive experience for someone starting a new virtual role at your company. Having a clearly defined and set schedule planned out for the new employee will help them feel more reassured and settled on their first day, so consider:  

  • Pushing for Personal Introductions

Despite the fact that team members aren’t present in a shared team workspace, team-building through personal introductions is still integral. Creating time for new hires to meet their new colleagues through the company’s networking and video chat systems will help break the ice and start to build the bonds necessary for a strong team. 

  • Assigning a Dedicated Support Person

Ensuring there’s a dedicated person to guide the new hire through the orientation process is another key element of onboarding. This is even more crucial in an online environment where trying to figure out new technology and systems can feel overwhelming. Don’t just assume that people will ask for help. Being proactive and having new-hire buddies or mentors check in regularly to answer questions, offer moral support and provide a touchstone within the company will go a long way towards creating a smooth transition for a new employee. 

  • Giving Welcome Gifts 

In a virtual onboarding experience, welcome gifts may be even more important than in a face to face environment. Welcome gifts provide a strong message of solidarity with new hires, and mindful gifts like funny mugs can speak it loud thanks to the effort to keep them fueled, the desire to help decorate their home office and the fearlessness to be funny. Receiving a few fun and high-quality welcome gifts on the first day of work can help a new employee feel valued and excited for the work to come and can be very much affordable for you even with shipping costs depending on your choices and with options from company branded socks to virtual subscriptions, it isn’t hard to find these affordable options! 

  • Outwardly Displaying Company Culture

Just because all your employees are not working out of the same building, doesn’t mean that you can’t create a shared company culture. In the virtual world of work, there are many ways to support new hires and help them become acclimatized to their new work environment. Planning activities such as icebreakers with new colleagues or virtual scavenger hunts can help a new employee learn about their workplace and their colleagues while building connections with them. Introducing new hires to ongoing projects, such as charity drives and other informal social events may also be a way to help foster a sense of community and belonging.

Staying Connected

Once the initial onboarding process has come to an end, it is important to continue to stay connected with your newest employees. To ensure success, the onboarding process should continue for at least a year. Plan regular check-ins to ensure they have everything they need to be productive within their role. Find out how they are doing beyond the job, offer praise for work well done, and ask if there are areas in which they would like more support or guidance. By maintaining and building these connections with your new employees, you’ll be actively demonstrating your investment in their success and driving their engagement in the company for a major win-win!


Thomas Brown

Thomas Brown is the go to member of the team when it comes to retail sector news and reporting. His dedication towards sifting through the stories and writing the most essential material is what makes him a valuable member of the Business Deccan family.

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