Anyone Can Learn About Trading with Stock Sharks

All too many people have felt discouraged when it comes to exploring stock trading due to the reputation that this is something reserved for millionaires and billionaires, failing to acknowledge that those very people became wealthy precisely due to their investments. The Canadian-based SaaS company, Stock Sharks, is altogether redefining the game and making stock investment available to anyone who’s looking to learn and grow.

They were established just three years ago by co-founders Sheraz Ali and Jr. Alexander, a company currently privately valued at $4 million. Stock Sharks has been exponentially growing year by year, having recorded a growth of 65 percent last year. “We focus on quality and not quantity. The quantity really comes when you’ve done the quality right. If we make our existing clients happy, they refer their friends and their family, and this helps us scale,” explains Ali.

The Stock Sharks team of eight is available for support and questions 24/7. Ali and Alexander have even made themselves personally available for questions. “You can call us on FaceTime,” says Ali, confirming that the Stock Sharks community is their number one priority.

The company has big goals—namely, to become the number one research service in the world. The co-founders are looking far out in the future and implementing artificial intelligence whenever possible in order to deliver better research results and insights.

They currently offer two tracks for investors: Premium and Synergy. The Premium service is for any person who is brand new to stock investing and needs extra support. The emphasis here is on education and guidance. The Synergy service is better for those who already have experience. This track is ideal for hedge funds and private equity. “Whatever your level and expertise, we always guide you in the direction that is right for you and you alone,” clarifies Alexander.

Stock Sharks has recorded a higher level of interest than usual during the COVID-19 pandemic and consequent lockdown. Having more time on their hands and emerging financial struggles, people worldwide have begun looking into investments with increased curiosity.

Ali shares that the company’s membership has as much as doubled over the last few months. The support team is working around the clock to accommodate the expansion.

Stock Sharks is launching a new edtech software that is expected to arrive in the upcoming year. They strongly believe in innovation and using brand new algorithms to deliver more accurate data. The platform integrates a new chat feature for members that would be even more efficient than its current version and will ensure even better results.

When it comes to setbacks, Ali and Alexander admit that the business has faced some, but they always learn their lessons and move on gracefully. He advises any owner to focus on delivering the best results possible to their customers and to worry about the competition less.

To keep up with Stock Sharks and get the latest company news and updates, give them a follow on Instagram.


David Carty

The real estate section is covered by David Carty. Need any information on prices, rises and falls in the market, or genuine advice on what properties to watch out for? David has proven his mettle in the field through stellar reporting and story creation.

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