Nothing Worth Having Comes Easy, Says the Sculpted Vegan Kim Constable

Take one look at Kim Constable, founder of The Sculpted Vegan and you can tell she doesn’t take any shortcuts when it comes to her fitness routine. The same is true of the way she runs her vegan bodybuilding and fitness empire, which has gone on to make millions of dollars and change thousands of lives. Yet just four years ago, this mother of four was a skinny, out-of-pocket yoga instructor struggling to find her feet.

A native of Belfast, Ireland, Kim has never taken the easy way out when it comes to any aspect of her life. As a young mother, she decided to homeschool all of her children, which as any parent knows from the past year, is no easy task. By the time she was in her mid-30s, she had four children, but she still found the time to cultivate her passion for yoga.

“I was doing Ashtanga yoga because I loved the feeling of becoming stronger and more powerful,” she says. “I started doing it several days a week, then every day, then sometimes twice a day. I’m pretty OCD. When I love something, I delve deep.” 

Eventually, Kim took a yoga teacher training course and began offering workshops to others who also wanted to tone up and learn the practice. Although she was doing something she loved and staying fit in the process, she knew she wanted something more. She felt that she was too thin, so she decided to try bodybuilding to fill out. 

Kim hired a trainer to help her with her fitness goals, and with her determination, hard work, and drive to succeed, she became a competitive athlete. At the age of 37, Kim entered her first bikini competition and won. She would go on to win six more titles in the next two years, including her PRO card status. 

The hard work and perseverance seemed to be paying off. However, there was one problem. While Kim’s trainer was able to help with her form and training schedule, he had no idea how to help her with the nutrition side because Kim was a vegan. Just one year before starting her bodybuilding venture, she decided to cut out all animal products.

“I learned about the direct link between animal protein and cancer from a book called The China Study,” she says. “After reading that, I decided I wanted to be fit and healthy well into my old age.”

Vegan Bodybuilding

Always wanting to delve deeper into her passions and convictions, Kim searched the internet for information about vegan bodybuilding programs but came up with nothing. She quickly realized this was an opportunity for her to create her own program that would help others and potentially be a viable business venture.

“When I was growing up, I always wanted to be successful,” Kim says. “At that time, I already had experience in health and wellness, business, and internet marketing, so I decided to create The Sculpted Vegan to help ordinary people build amazing bodies.”

Kim began The Sculpted Vegan at her kitchen table with zero following or connections. Drawing on the patience, perseverance, and techniques that she learned from bodybuilding, she developed her signature program and the world’s first 18-month bodybuilding program for women. 

Based on her own experience shaping her body into form, Kim knew that the program needed to be tough. She knew she had to be honest and tell people upfront that they would need to put in the work if they wanted to see results. At the same time, Kim also knew that the people she was trying to reach would need guidance and support.

“I know that when someone tries something new, they are vulnerable,” she says. “And when you are there for them every step of the way and upholding them when they cannot uphold themselves, something magical happens. They realize that you aren’t just there to take their money. They realize that you truly care. In a superficial world, we have lost the value of caring for others. We have forgotten that these are human beings we are interacting with, not online avatars.” 

Working To Help Others

“When you truly, deeply love your customers and want the best for them, you create loyal, raving fans. And these fans will naturally tell people about you because they want others to feel the way they feel as a result of interacting with you. And that’s the first step to dominating a space. Most entrepreneurs just don’t care about people enough. In a world of fake, be real and you’ll naturally stand out from the crowd.”

The Sculpt and Shred program was an immediate hit, bringing in $52,000 at the first launch. Within the next three years, the company grew into a multi-million dollar business. Today, The Sculpted Vegan offers over 10 digital programs designed to get women sculpted and shredded without eating animal products. The company also offers one-on-one training with award-winning nutrition and bodybuilding coaches, as well as free vegan recipe cards, and a retail shop.

There’s no doubt that fans love The Sculpted Vegan, as the brand has over 4.5 million Instagram followers and over 70,000 Facebook page fans. The digital programs consistently sell and bring in more than $400,000 in revenue each month. In addition, Kim’s Strong and Sculpted podcast gets over 200,000 downloads a month. 

Based on demand, Kim launched a second business, The Million Dollar Mentor, where she mentors business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs how to create, run and scale their own multi-million-dollar brands. She is also putting together a certification program for personal trainers who want to learn The Sculpted Vegan training methods so they can start their own businesses. The program is set to launch in 2022 with a new custom built App that will allow clients to access all purchased programs as well as a community forum, a full coaching program and is set to be a game changer in the fitness world.

Kim believes that much of her business success has stemmed from the tools she learned from bodybuilding. As a professional bodybuilder, she had to cultivate an immense amount of discipline and consistency in everything from what she ate to how she slept, and how she trained. She has also had to learn resilience and patience. “Those traits carry over into business because that’s exactly what you need to develop and grow a company,” she says.

“Nothing worth having comes easy,” says Kim. “You need to train your mind to be strong, and that allows you to stay grounded and calm. When you are calm, you can hone your focus. And when you are focused, you can achieve anything you put your mind to.”


Carl Vickers

Carl Vickers is the creator of Business Deccan and is a talented writer who specializes in stories related to the economy. He spearheads the team and helps to mould them into better writers, by focusing on quality over quantity, and ethical publishing. He is a true torchbearer in the field of reporting sans prejudice, and leads by example.

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