Wellness Reminders for Summer

If you’re like a lot of people, it can feel like you wait over half of the year for the weather to warm up and for summer to arrive finally. Summertime and the living is easy, right? But, sometimes, we take it too easy and leave our habits and routines in the dust. When we do this, we start to feel sluggish in the heat and don’t have the energy to do all the fun things that warm weather has to offer. You can do some easy things to keep yourself feeling your summer best, and the greatest part is they are quick and easy to implement. And, as we all know, when things are easy, we’re more likely to sustain the behavior. So here we go, top five things to keep up your wellness this summer. 


Drinking enough water is something we all know; we’ve heard it since we were young. It’s imperative to drink our eight glasses of water a day. The thing is, though, most of us don’t actually do it. And, what’s more, when it’s blazing hot outside, and we’re active in that heat, our bodies actually demand more hydration than the recommended amount. The good news is, there’s plenty of ways to stay hydrated beyond plain water. Make hydration fun by adding fresh fruits to your carbonated waters; not only does it taste more interesting, but you’re also getting the benefits of the antioxidant-rich fruits. You can also purchase an oversized water bottle that cheers you on throughout the day. A quick online search shows you plenty of motivational bottles that let you see how much water you’ve had so far and how much further you need to go. Whichever direction you head in, make sure you’re consuming plenty of water this summer. 

Fruit Punch 

Fruits pack a significant health and wellness punch, so make sure you’re getting enough. Get active by planting new fruit shrubs and trees in your yard. If you don’t have access to a yard, community gardens are a great way to get this accomplished. Urban farming on patios and balconies is also a fantastic hobby, not to mention they add natural beauty in a more concrete environment. Seasonal fruits taste best during the summer anyway, and add to that the fact that they contain so many vitamins and nutrients that are critical for health. While you may buy them year-round in your grocery store, eating fruits in the summer is one of the best overall wellness gifts you can give yourself. 

Manage Inflammation

Inflammation is the root of most ailments in our bodies. It’s also known that some mental health issues are the result of inflammation. One of the quickest ways to keep inflammation down is through diet. So consider adopting a whole foods plant-based diet. CBD is another fantastic way to manage inflammation. If you have inflammation in a specific part of your body that you’re aware of, find a CBD cream for sale that can target more specific areas where you may be suffering. Just remember, inflammation isn’t something you can always see, so it’s best to take a whole-body approach so, manage it both inside and outside. 

Just Breathe

We can’t live without the air we breathe; we all know this. But did you know that doing conscientious breathwork can help your overall wellness in literally seconds and minutes. It’s a great idea to have a meditation or deep breathing exercise as part of your daily routine. If you’re new to this type of work, plenty of apps are available to download free to get you started. For more visual learners, sites like Youtube are a literal treasure trove of wellness experts ready to teach you the power of your own breath. Deep breathing boosts your overall physical health as well as mental. Studies have shown this type of work is especially helpful suffering from extreme stress or anxiety.

Don’t Forget Sleep 

Sleep is the ultimate healer and wellness promoter. When our bodies are at rest, they have time to recharge and reset. They also can do healing work that needs to be done in all areas of the body. When you get enough sleep, you can roll with the punches of day-to-day life and stay more mindful, boosting your overall wellness. Prioritize sleep and aim to get at least a minimum of eight hours a night. 

Summertime is a beautiful time of year that is all about escapism and relaxation. Just make sure you’re still taking time to keep yourself in optimal health and your most positive mindset. Implement these easy things to have your best summer ever!


James Broadnax

The finance section is handled by James Broadnax. He is a guru when it comes to financial markets, equity, and market trends. If there is a Wall Street story waiting to happen, you’d best believe James will be there to report it!

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