Reboot during a lockdown: Ellen Alexander releases a new book to help people during the pandemic

Get Up to the Sky is a life-affirming story about how to spend a lockdown with benefit, under no circumstances to fall into depression and reboot.

The idea of creating the book Get Up to the Sky came from Ellen Alexander last year, and it was prompted by … the pandemic. Or rather, events related to it.

“In 2020, when the world went into quarantine for the first time, I noticed how it was hard for many people to endure this forced isolation. Some of my friends fell into a prolonged depression, worrying about their health and the health of their loved ones, others — because of problems in business, others simply lost their meaning, finding themselves in forced isolation for a long time. Then I thought about creating a motivational book, offering there to look at what is happening from a different angle”, the author says.

In this book, Ellen shares her experience, tells readers that everything is in their hands, and what we call “the difficulties of fate” must be learned to transform and accept as lessons and even gifts. It is important not to focus on the negative, but to collect positive experiences of yourself and others. Only in this way, believes Ellen Alexander, can you become successful.

“At first, like everyone else, I was confused, but then I realized that lockdown is the time to rethink what is happening and an opportunity to think more deeply about life, some key moments, analyze the own thoughts, actions, identify goals and objectives. This allows us to understand in which direction to move further”, Ellen believes.

Get Up to the Sky is based on a lot of motivating stories and materials for inspiration. Working on it, Ellen Alexander kept in mind the image of relatives, friends, acquaintances and strangers

— those for whom life in the current conditions turned out to be an unbearable burden. This book is addressed to everyone who, for various reasons, got into a difficult situation, every line of which is lived and felt by the author.

“During the pandemic, several people close to me committed suicide, someone lost relatives and still cannot recover from what they experienced”, Ellen Alexander says. — “This book is created in memory of the first and with an incredible desire to help overcome the pain of loss to the second. After all, there are a lot of people who have experienced losses over the past year and as a result, do not see the meaning in life. I want to support these people. In order not to succumb to decadent moods, I decided to spend the time of isolation for the benefit of myself and others. I set myself the task of revising my views on the seemingly familiar concepts: luck, success, goals and values, universal principles, attitude to achievements and defeats, etc.

I decided to illustrate everything with examples from my life (and there were many very different, sometimes incredible events in it!), when I managed to find a way out of almost hopeless situations”.

Together with Ellen, readers will find themselves in different situations to understand that the fate of each of us is determined not by what happens to us, but by the attitude to what is happening. This means that we can manage this process by focusing on the positive and taking everything as a lesson from which we can benefit.

“Thinking about this, I found inspiration for myself and now I will share it with those people who are losing ground under their feet, whom I want to protect from irreparable decisions. I will never forget about those whom I could not save. Perhaps, having read such a book at the most difficult moment, they would have chosen a different path and would have been with us today”, Ellen Alexander says.

About the author

Ellen Alexander is an American model with Russian roots, actress, songwriter and music writer, co-founder of the biotech startup Create U future. Graduated from the Plekhanov Economic University (Department of International Economic Relations).


Carl Vickers

Carl Vickers is the creator of Business Deccan and is a talented writer who specializes in stories related to the economy. He spearheads the team and helps to mould them into better writers, by focusing on quality over quantity, and ethical publishing. He is a true torchbearer in the field of reporting sans prejudice, and leads by example.

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