10 Reasons Your Business Needs An Immigration Attorney San Antonio, TX

Immigration law is usually very tricky and is something taken very seriously by the United States government. Because of this, it’s best to work alongside an immigration lawyer. This is crucial as the immigration process entails a lot, including understanding a country’s procedural bureaucracy, navigating the immigration laws, and lots of paperwork. For this reason, American businesses such as multinational corporations that want to hire talented foreign workers employ an immigration lawyer. 

If you want to hire a foreign worker that has unique and specialized skills which you can’t find within the United States, it’s best to work alongside an immigration attorney. Here’s a guide to show why your business in San Antonio, TX should hire an immigration attorney. 

  • They’re Knowledgeable And Experienced

You need an Immigration Attorney San Antonio, TX, because they have the knowledge and experience to take you through the immigration process. This is welcome news with the immigration laws and procedures changing constantly. But thanks to their expertise and experience, there’s a higher chance of making your dream of hiring a foreigner a reality. 

Hiring an immigration attorney also means you enjoy peace of mind as you know they have the expertise and experience to resolve different immigration issues properly. Therefore, you don’t have to be concerned about issues linked to citizenship or permanent residency, as they can help you better understand this. 

  • Track Your Case 

Getting the necessary documentation from s foreign employee that you want to hire, or any from any immigration case, it’s typically very hectic as a lot of requirements need to be submitted to the relevant agencies. This process is also lengthy and you might not have the time to track the progress of your case. All this responsibility can become overwhelming and affect your productivity in other more important matters. 

You can avoid such hassle by hiring an immigration attorney, as they’ll be responsible for everything involved during the immigration process. This includes acting quickly in case clarification or additional information is needed. In addition, they can guide you during the appeal process, help you understand why the petition got denied, and ways of proceeding with an appeal. 

  • Apply For Work Visas 

The process of applying for work visas is classified by the U.S Department of State depending on the applicant’s specialization or type of work. But preparing this necessary documentation and defining a class tends to be complicated and experiences lots of delays. To ease such problems, hiring an immigration lawyer to provide you with advice would help make this entire immigration process a lot simpler. 

An immigration lawyer is familiar with the complex immigration laws and procedures, hence better understanding the entire process. This is especially essential if you aren’t very familiar with the terms used in the legal system, which can even be worse when hiring someone whose English isn’t their first language. In addition to visas, the immigration lawyer will help the applicant get the specialized forms they need before they can start working in the United States. 

Besides, making sure everything goes on smoothly during the immigration process, this professional can also help deal with any unforeseen problems with the visa processing. With their intervention, the hurdles during the immigration process get to be addressed. As a result, this ensures the visa processing runs smoothly, saving you from spending more on unnecessary expenses. 

  • Help With Business Visitors 

If you run a global company in San Antonio, TX, then you’ll occasionally invite international guests to trade events, training, and meetings for a specified duration. In such cases, these visitors need B-1 visas that can cater either numerous international guests all at once. But the process of getting this crucial piece of documentation isn’t always simple, and support from an immigration attorney is necessary. 

Hiring an immigration attorney helps confirm several details about the applicant’s eligibility for the B-1 Temporary Business Visa you might not know. The requirements needed when applying for the B-1 visa include; 

  • Intention to remain in the United States for a specified and limited duration 
  • Entering the United States with legitimate business 
  • Be permitted to enter the United States 
  • Have residence outside the United States and not having intentions of leaving it   
  • Have enough money to cover their expenses 

If all these requirements are met, the applicant will be allowed entry into the United States for conventions, negotiations, training, or any other activity relevant to your business. 

  • Changing Immigration Laws 

There’s been a lot of changes to the immigration laws after the travel ban, which was passed in January 2017. The same has also been witnessed in some states across the United States, such as Texas, by the legislators. These many changes to the immigration laws have been implemented for several reasons, including; 

  • Find undocumented persons in the U.S 
  • Intensify immigration enforcement 

Due to these changes in the U.S immigration laws, the number of immigrants being deported due to violating specific regulations is greater than ever. For this reason, corporations and small businesses need to hire an immigrant law firm to ensure they at all times are observing the new regulation the U.S government has implemented. You should take a similar approach to ensure you and your workers are compliant with the U.S immigration protocols. 

  • Defend Your Rights 

If you or any of your workers have a case with the immigration court, it’s best to represent an immigration attorney. This is essential as this professional usually has the experience in such cases, thereby seamlessly guiding you through the different steps. With their help, rest assured that you’re not to be abused or exploited during the entire process but instead defend your best interests. 

  • During Intra-Company Transfers

In cases when an employee working in a different country is best suited to take over a specific duty in your organization based in San Antonio, TX, then the intracompany transfer will be necessary. When this happens, the worker will need to have an L classification visa before getting permission to work at the parent firm’s headquarters, subsidiary, branch, or affiliate company. Navigating this process is quite technical, as it involves a lot of paperwork and documentation. Therefore, it would be wise if your company hired an immigration lawyer to handle it.  

  • Help Workers Settle In The Country Legally

While a foreign employee might be granted access into the country, they usually only get working visas with laws that only apply to them. If they wish to get permanent citizenship or residency in the United States, this is often not very easy due to the strict immigration laws. In addition, the immigrants can be deported any time, even before a visa’s expiry. This uncertainty of the working visas affects the productivity of such employees, and this can only be resolved by getting a permanent residency. 

Knowing this, your company needs to allocate this task to a professional immigration attorney. With their expertise and experience, the lawyer will help guide your employee on ways of safeguarding their residency status and coming up with a plan and guide towards permanent residency. 

  • Avoid Mistakes 

The immigration process is extensive, and because it involves a lot, you shouldn’t be surprised you’ll make some mistakes when making the visa application. As a result of such trivial mistakes, it might be a lot harder to get the foreign employee being accepted to work in the United States. The best way of avoiding such mistakes is by working alongside an expert who boasts the skills and experience of the immigration process. 

Because of this, you shouldn’t think twice about whether or not to hire an immigration lawyer. Under their guidance, you’ll be taken through the correct steps that your foreign worker should follow to get work permits, permanent citizenship, or marriage licenses. If the immigration request is error-free, there’s a higher chance of it getting accepted by the U.S government. And knowing how strict the department in charge of issuing immigration documents can get, it’s best to play safe and hire an immigration lawyer right from the start. 

  • For Resolving Problems 

If you eventually start experiencing issues after hiring an employee from abroad, it’s advisable to contact an immigration attorney. These professionals, through extensive training they’ve received and experience, know the ways of addressing problems that might arise from the immigration process. In addition, an immigration officer can identify potential issues or problems which you might have otherwise overlooked because of lacking the necessary training. 

Knowing this, you should always hire an immigration attorney as they’ll know the proper steps to take and resolve any issue that does arise during the immigration process. This prevents your immigration case from being denied the immigration request or experiencing a prolonged delay. 


With the United States government having many more immigration concerns, securing the necessary documentation to enter the country has become a lot more complicated. Therefore, it’s paramount always to have a well-thought plan to secure the required work-related visas. But achieving this without the help from an experienced immigration attorney is quite challenging. 

Immigration lawyers are updated with the immigration law, compliance issues, and requirements. They can help you and your business with issues that’s related to immigration and immigration laws. This article has elaborated the reasons on why your business needs an immigration lawyer.


Carl Vickers

Carl Vickers is the creator of Business Deccan and is a talented writer who specializes in stories related to the economy. He spearheads the team and helps to mould them into better writers, by focusing on quality over quantity, and ethical publishing. He is a true torchbearer in the field of reporting sans prejudice, and leads by example.

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