“From the Ship to Crypto: Chozxn Talks Crypto & How It Changed His Life”

Who introduced you to cryptocurrency?

I remember my good friend Percy Hezekiah was telling me about a group of people beginning an IPO company. He told me that this new wave of money transactions is the way to financially freedom. He claimed this is one of the best ways to grow your wealth. We learned a great deal about cryptocurrency during that time. I am grateful for this knowledge.

How did it change your life?

I was always taught that in order to gain access to the stock market you needed a broker or some sort of financial advisor to call the right plays and build money through a hidden system. Then once I learned how to conduct transactions on Binance. I began to think as a broker and as my own advisor. And I understood the gamble associated with the trade. I knew that there was high risk as well as great rewards. I am not a financial advisor so I couldn’t give anyone advice on what to do with their money. 

As an educational purpose I will say make a wise decision base upon your own research and analysis. Binance discontinued service in the United States which froze up my account and I didn’t have access to it any longer. At that moment I thought it was all a scam. Years later I gave it another go this time with a little more knowledge of how the system works. Decentralized Financing is the way of the future some would say. I say in order to win you have to be in the race to win the race. Their are many people who would love to buy crypto but have no clue as to where to start. I would say do your research and make calculated decisions based on your research not your emotions. It may change you like it changed me.

How did it help you?

Cryptocurrency has given me the opportunity to free up time to care for my daughters without having to sacrifice time between work and home. My daughters and I have a tight bond. So they see the sacrifices their father makes all the time. 

In the same breath my time in the studio has been a breeze too. I have time to get in the studio and make hit records with Super Producer Kevin Posey. 

Are you incorporating crypto into your music career?

Yes I am, in fact without the help of crypto currency, I wouldn’t have been able to get the proper production, publications, attire and much more. Crypto has definitely influenced me and I encourage other people who are in the entertainment space to get involved with Crypto. The more you learn now the better your life can be in the future. Alot of artist want to create NFTs (non fungible tokens) now. In order to do that you must learn about the crypto currency entailed. It can seem a bit much in the beginning but once you’ve learned how to make transactions through contract addresses. You will become unafraid and highly interested. There are thousands of crypto coins or tokens. Choose carefully and your decisions can make your dreams come true.



David Carty

The real estate section is covered by David Carty. Need any information on prices, rises and falls in the market, or genuine advice on what properties to watch out for? David has proven his mettle in the field through stellar reporting and story creation.

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