Barry Kibwika, Better Known As Harnun Has Emerged As The Leading Fashion Entrepreneur Of Present Time

The world has seen the growth of many individuals who have come up in their respective fields of work, driven by their passion to excel in whatever jobs they lay their hands on. Even amidst the gravest of situations, these selected few have risen to face the challenges and come up owing to their winning streak. We came across one such individual who has done exceptionally well in his career as a fashion entrepreneur and an author, and today stands amongst the world’s most successful personalities, he is Barry Kibwika, more popular by the name of Harnun. He has done wonders in his career at an age where many are still trying to figure out their future course of action. Fashion is a highly competitive field, but that hasn’t deterred him from going ahead and making a successful career in it.

Harnun was born in Africa in 1989, and ever since he remembers fashion was something that interested him since the beginning, so much that he had made up his mind to dwell deep into it and master the subject well to carve a successful career in it. His dreams finally took shape at a later stage of his life when he eventually entered the profession only to make it big and thrive in it. Rising from the lands of Kampala, Uganda, this gentleman steadily rose to become one of the most recognized faces in the world of fashion by establishing his own ventures namely “Sabaa” and “The 47th Dynasty”. His idea of fashion is simple and minimalistic, which has caught the fancy of people, making his the most preferred brand ever available in the markets.

His fifteen years of long experience has got him to the forefront of the industry and his brands stand amongst the world’s best today. Apart from handling his successful fashion ventures, he is also an author and has recently released his book “Return back to self love”. Furthermore, he is also a trained Kemetic yoga teacher and runs his brand “Sakhem Yoga”, which is also popular amongst people.

To know more about him, visit or follow him on Instagram: @harnunofficial


David Carty

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