How Barbara Sanchez Is Utilizing Social Media To Her Advantage

Organically growing your social media accounts can seem like a daunting task. You’re surrounded by large accounts and the pressures to look popular on social media.  With billions of people online, you want to utilize social media to reach more people. Barbara Sanchez is well-versed in developing and maintaining an organic social media following. She has been growing accounts for her celebrity clients since the popularization of social media. Barbara is one of the first publicists to adapt to modern technology and add it to her clients’ success.

Clients Barbara has helped include Kyle Massey, Hana Giraldo, Snoop Dogg, Bobby Dee of Bobby Dee Presents, and a host of others. Part of the growing accounts is content. Barbara knows that you have to continue producing content to share with others and intrigue your potential followers’ interest. Barbara is continuously sharing snippets throughout the day or behind the scenes looks at projects. Barbara’s primary focus is to attract new followers and maintain those who have already decided to follow.

It’s also imperative you’re engaging with your audience and creating an experience for those who click that follow button.  Barbara makes sure to interact with followers by replying to comments and answering messages. She believes no matter your follower count, you have to give your followers the attention you want from them. 

Barbara has experience in the Instagram verification process. She knows what it takes to earn a blue check next to your name. She’s helped clients like Hana Giraldo and Sunkee Angel get verified on Instagram. She plans to get herself verified in the near future.

Barbara has mastered using social media to further her clients’ campaigns. Whether it is a campaign for a new music project or clothing drop, Barbara knows the tactics to get the proper attention.

With all of her experience, Barbara is still learning. She’s always learning a new way to use social media to her advantage. She will continue to adapt to whatever comes with the future of social media.

Since June of 2020, Barbara’s Instagram has grown by more than 16,000 followers. She accredits her online growth to continually producing content and interacting with followers. She follows the same advice she gives her clients. Barbara has made several deals with brands and, in turn, helped their accounts as they’ve helped hers. She will continue to adapt to whatever comes with the future of social media.


Thomas Brown

Thomas Brown is the go to member of the team when it comes to retail sector news and reporting. His dedication towards sifting through the stories and writing the most essential material is what makes him a valuable member of the Business Deccan family.

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