How Cloud Career Coach, Broadus Palmer Is Changing The Way Tech Employees Land Their Dream Job in 2022

There is no time like the present to walk away from an unfulfilling career or simply to change the job or career that you have found yourself in for some time. There are a multitude of reasons that people choose to leave a job that they have been in for many years.

For some, that reason is boredom, for others a new challenge, or a healthier mental state. For Broadus Palmer, it was the knowledge that he wanted something better. Though he had created a high level of success as a banker for 14 years, he was determined to find a career path that was more fulfilling, which led him to the tech industry.

With no prior experience in cloud computing but at the suggestion of friends, Broadus delved into cloud computing and made his decision that this would be the next career path he would pursue. Gathering the knowledge he needed in order to become certified was the first step that he took.

Broadus Palmer quickly gathered that he was still lacking the skills necessary to carry out the job when he was faced with problem-solving questions in an interview – questions that his certifications alone had not prepared him for.

Going back to the drawing board was Broadus’ only option. To change his approach to his new potential career in cloud computing and cloud engineering, he had to first and foremost change his mindset. His problem-solving approach, skills, and know-how combined made him the ideal candidate for the job he wanted.

Landing the cloud computing job that he desired opened the gates of his mind even further to want to genuinely help others with the daunting task of entering the cloud computing arena – a phase in his own journey he was all too familiar with.

Through his company, Level Up In Tech Broadus Palmer has built a space for those wishing to not only learn the ins and outs of cloud computing and engineering but who also need the experience to land the jobs that they desire.

Aside from the positive attitude to learning and gaining a new skill set, Broadus has built Level Up In Tech into a company that is highly-renowned and respected in the cloud computing and cloud engineering market. He shares, “We have our finger on the pulse of the community so we can understand what problems companies are solving. This helps us to stay on top of our coaching. It also means that we are constantly working with companies who are looking for talent, to consistently understand what we need to be doing to solve real-world problems within their organizations.”

The diligent work behind Level Up In Tech has grown into a team who all see the value of cloud computing and therefore the need to provide cloud career coaching to those who are new to the industry.

The future of technology is in the hands of those who not only have the knowledge but the know-how. Broadus Palmer has not only proven, but can proudly say that he is one of those who have put opportunities in place for the inexperienced to become highly equipped and ready for the cloud computing era that lies ahead.


David Carty

The real estate section is covered by David Carty. Need any information on prices, rises and falls in the market, or genuine advice on what properties to watch out for? David has proven his mettle in the field through stellar reporting and story creation.

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