Ludovico Cianchetta Vazquez: The King of Airbnb

Ludovico Cianchetta Vazquez, 24, (@nudovico) has been making waves in the world of business for years. At just 18-years-old, the Italian entrepreneur founded his first company, PowerMe, which raised over $48,000 from a crowdfunding campaign and sold its products in over 90 countries. While Vazquez found success in business quicker than most, he didn’t truly hit his stride until he began leasing real estate properties and listing them on Airbnb.

After graduating from the IULM University of Milan with a degree in Public Relations and Corporate Communications, Vazquez took the knowledge he acquired in school and used it to begin an entrepreneurial journey. Using advanced marketing techniques, he crafted a method to successfully list high-converting properties on Airbnb, paying the rent of several properties while turning huge profits.

When word of Vaquez’s incredible success with Airbnb began to spread, countless entrepreneurs began asking him how he created his wealth. This inspired him to create BnB Academy, a program providing step-by-step guidance to entrepreneurs wanting to build their own Airbnb businesses.

“I knew I was on the right track when I started making huge profits from properties on Airbnb and people were happy to pay to stay in beautiful houses,” said Vazquez. “I then translated all this knowledge into a course to help other people build the same business.”

BnB Academy has helped over 600 students create lives of financial prosperity, which Vazquez believes is largely due to the boundless opportunity for wealth creation in the tourism industry.

“Everywhere and anywhere people will always need a place to sleep,” said the young entrepreneur.

Vazquez has quickly become the most profitable Airbnb host in Europe. Students flock from around the world, hoping to absorb some of his business expertise.

With BnB Academy, students can enter the amazing market Airbnb provides without investing any money or owning a house. The academy helps its students earn jaw-dropping numbers by teaching them to manage properties and giving them a percentage of the profits.

“Let’s imagine an $800 profit per apartment with no investments. Thanks to my techniques a person can easily build a portfolio of ten apartments in a couple of months. That’s $8000 per month,” said Vazquez.

While earning his degree at IULM Milan, Vazquez studied psychology and neuromarketing, allowing him to develop a clear understanding of the mental side of the business. He fully believes he can turn any entrepreneur with the right mindset into a success and devotes several lessons entirely to the creation of a strong and determined mindset.

“My biggest challenge was to convert the mindset of my students. Most of them were used to working five days a week, from early morning to late afternoon, and could not understand the possibility of earning large amounts of money without constantly working,” said Vazquez.

This young and prosperous entrepreneur doesn’t just teach students about the Airbnb business. He has partnered with fellow businessman Francesco Crema to found a new course called Book Academy.

The course teaches people to make money on Amazon by selling books written by ghostwriters. With so many of his students achieving great success with BnB Academy, many of Book Academy’s clients have been taught by Vazquez before.

To learn more about Vazquez and the luxurious lifestyle he has created, be sure to join the nearly 60,000 people who follow him @nudovico.


James Broadnax

The finance section is handled by James Broadnax. He is a guru when it comes to financial markets, equity, and market trends. If there is a Wall Street story waiting to happen, you’d best believe James will be there to report it!

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