Walking Into Your Divine Rebirth

For centuries, the Divine Feminine has been relegated, minimized, and associated with negative attributes in our society. The Divine Feminine energy is a universal frequency that all genders have to tap into and that is the cornerstone of our physical and spiritual existence. It is the vibration of the Great Goddess, the spiritual healer, the intuitive, and the life-giving mother that creates in our physical existence.

For so long, this state of consciousness, this passive and loving nature of femininity, has been distorted by the imbalance of our own energy due to painful experiences. Today, more than ever, we need to reconnect to the feminine life force energy within each of us and cultivate inner peace. 

We’ve all been through painful experiences. There’s always something about our past that scars us and holds us back from living a life of full vibrant abundance led by our soul.  But there’s no reason why we should let those things define our life, our future, or our self-concept. After all, the only thing we can do about the past is to assess, heal and expand our consciousness.

However, nobody told us how to heal emotional scars, reconnect with our divine nature, and reclaim our sacred feminine energy. There’s no way we can heal from just holding things in and ignoring our feelings. And there is no way to evolve this way either.  This eventually ends up affecting our lives, our bodies, and our energy. It doesn’t allow us to align with the highest vibration level we are meant to be living in. 

Hence the importance of emotional cleansing and energy healing. While most people would rely mostly on regular medicine or therapy, energy healing will focus on the emotional distress we come across in our life, thus allowing us to raise our own vibrations and reconnect with our sacred sanctuary within, back into our eternal glow, as Amy Bingham, founder of Lean Into Your Glow points out.

Healing Emotional Wounds

Emotional wounds we live with permanently affect our body manifesting as pain, confusion, anxiety, and many other physical and psychological illnesses. Unhealed emotional wounds limit us from living an abundant life. This is because our energy is stuck. Our body is experiencing what Amy Bingham refers to as energetic blockages at a cellular level. “It isn’t until we tap into those things on a cellular level that healing can really unfold.”

Fortunately, we don’t have to live like that. There’s a solution: healing our emotional wounds and thus our energy. Energy healing can be done through different modalities as Amy indicates in her program Lean Into Your Glow

We are all a sacred sanctuary. We are all traveling on our own spiritual awakening. And we all have lived negative experiences that might have exposed us to trauma. The thing about trauma is that until we release it, it gets trapped manifesting differently for every person. In consequence, we all have different paths to begin with. Certainly, at the end of these paths, we all align with the Divine. And Amy Bingham understands it. 

After going through the unexpected and traumatic death of her 17-year-old son, all while 6 months pregnant, giving birth just 3 months after the immense loss of her son, and immediately getting divorced, Amy has dedicated her life to help others and guide them through their spiritual awakening. That’s how Lean Into Your Glow was born, where she accompanies people willing to reconnect to their higher guidance and live their lives to their fullest through one-on-one sessions and group sessions. In other cases, Amy also includes a program for corporate sessions.

From Trauma to Inner Peace

To heal our emotional wounds and release trapped trauma, we need to clear and cleanse our energetic blockages. Chakra healing allows releasing all that trapped energy within ourselves. The chakras are 7 main spinning disks of energy located in 7 focal points of our body. They have incommensurable energy all over our body, and are tied to emotional and physical distress. 

The word chakra translates from Sanskrit ‘wheel’ or ‘disk’, but in reality, the term refers to energy within our body. In order to keep our energy flowing, we need to surrender, accept life changes. In order to do so, chakras must be “open” and aligned as they harmonize our nerves, major organs, and energetic areas. 

“We naturally vibrate at a very high frequency, but we’ve picked up many things throughout our life that have lowered our vibration. Which limits our physical, mental, emotional & spiritual experiences from the fullest potential of a vibrant life. We just need to release all the stagnant energy, trauma, pain, and the limiting beliefs about ourselves, about who we really are as divine beings,” says Amy in her book Decoding the Wellness Mantra.

Amy experienced what she called the “No Will to Live” state of mind. That state of mind when you’re ready to give up on life. However, there’s always a new start, a start from the pure place of being. As a self-love warrior herself, Amy shares how her healing began: “I was shown that a magical world exists on the other side of surrender. That if we all completely and wholeheartedly just let go, we will be rebirthed and shown how our soul was really meant to be dancing in this life.  It is our birthright to live a vibrant, full, and abundant life, yet we quickly forget this throughout our journey”.

The Divine Rebirth Era

Have you noticed the energy that is emerging from within guiding us towards creation, creativity, self-love, abundance? This energy is emerging in our hearts to bring us into balance and experience life from compassion, love, creativity, collaboration, beauty, and empowerment. And it’s time to take the call. 

After all, on good days or in desperate times, whether we feel exuberant or foggy, having a conversation with another person always comes in handy. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when things aren’t going as you planned or desire. Don’t be afraid of seeking coaching and guiding into your soul’s journey. It is the best way to explore those unidentified beliefs that might be holding you back.

As Amy always points out, we all naturally vibrate at a very high frequency, but our past experiences have lowered our vibration. Thus connecting with our higher self will allow us to release the pain and become the divine beings we already are.

But we must bring that hurting unhealed wounds that need all our love and attention right now to our awareness. Many ghosts from our past will appear, indeed. We will start noticing repeated behaviors and patterns coming from fear, guilt, or any other negative emotion. And that’s exactly what’s holding us back.

This path doesn’t have to be tougher than it already is. We don’t have to do it all by ourselves. Seeking somebody to guide us on our spiritual path, to accompany us during our Spiritual Awakening will let us walk smoothly from where we are standing today to our Divine Rebirth. 

As Amy expresses in her book: “Here’s where the beautiful sacred process of a divine rebirth unfolds… Raising your own vibration is about letting go of everything that doesn’t serve you, as your true soul essence is of the highest vibration. As you let go, you are creating a new rebirth for your soul.  We are in the rebirth era of our time… What does your rebirth look like?”


Carl Vickers

Carl Vickers is the creator of Business Deccan and is a talented writer who specializes in stories related to the economy. He spearheads the team and helps to mould them into better writers, by focusing on quality over quantity, and ethical publishing. He is a true torchbearer in the field of reporting sans prejudice, and leads by example.

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