Chris Kidd Nurtures Better Money Habits With Financial Coaching

Chris Kidd, a personal finance coach and entrepreneur, shares the habits that help keep personal finances in check.

Personal finances are not just connected with one person but to many. A calculated will means people have a secured future for the whole family. However, it is a neglected factor for many people as they do not try hard enough to create a robust financial plan. But with the guidance of a seasoned personal finance coach, this situation can turn around! One such passionate entrepreneur and a millionaire is Chris Kidd.

The charismatic soul started young at the age of 19 when he met a multi-millionaire who took him under his wing to teach the ways of how business works and how one can lead it to the next level with perseverance and patience. He left his job at the age of 20 and then he became his own boss and has only leveled up to more achievements since then.

For him, personal finance is a pillar that builds the foundation for sustenance, education, or even retirement. The different elements of personal finance include long-term goals, short-term goals, marketing, budgeting, retirement plans, wills, tax planning, charity, etc. All these factors combine to arrange finances in a manner that will simplify life. Chris feels that financial issues often lead to other added problems that lead families to scatter away in despair. Hence, he wants to change the world, and bring financial literacy to bring more happiness and a self-sustaining lifestyle.

Chris is a passionate entrepreneur who has also served as a chairman of the National Business Advisory Council. Moreover, he received a congressional medal of distinction in 2006 and had been featured on the Houston TV show, “Helpful Thoughts” several times before it ended. He has also written a Defeating Debt which helps people to get out and stay out of debt. He is also a co-host of a prominent radio show, “Price of Business”.

He has a lot of experience in the business and financial field as he has been working since the age of 19. He became a millionaire by age of 24 and has kept going to conquer new heights. For him, having sound finances means more flexibility to chase dreams. When everything happens in order, there is no feeling of being overwhelmed, or just being stuck in a loop of financial issues. To know more about his personal finance coaching, visit his website here.


David Carty

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