Network marketing expert Dennis Loos shares tips on how to improve your marketing skills

A network marketing expert is much more than a salesperson. In fact, you will not find many people who are good at selling but they cannot manage, teach, coach and lead. The best network marketers are those who have mastered all aspects of their business. One such example is Dennis Loos, a Dubai-based Network Marketing expert who teaches people the importance of network marketing and has helped numerous businesses grow.

When asked if he can share any tips on networking and how to start/be a better network marketer, Dennis shared, “The first step to becoming a successful network marketer is to know what you’re selling. If you’re selling a product that you can’t explain, don’t expect anyone else to be able to explain it either. Network marketing experts are able to communicate the benefits of their products in a way that resonates with their prospects.”

“They understand what makes their products unique and why those benefits are important to their target market. They also know how to position their products in the marketplace so they stand out from the competition. If you’re not sure what makes your product different from all of the other options available on the market, then you probably aren’t an expert yet. You need to know why people should buy your product instead of someone else’s — or even if they should bother buying anything at all!”

“The second step is knowing how your business works — not just how the products work but how the company operates as well. This includes understanding how compensation works within your organization and what it takes for someone like you (or me!) to succeed in this type of business model.”

Apart from being a leading expert, Dennis also has his own blockchain company that he started about five years ago.


David Carty

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