Fit for purpose: why gym lovers can benefit from holding online fitness classes

If you are a gym lover looking into holding your own fitness classes, you might be wondering how on earth you might do so. Well, arguably the solution that is the most fit for purpose is to go virtual. 

But why is holding fitness classes online so beneficial? Let’s take a look. 

Potential to reach people who who wouldn’t normally go to the gym 

Some people might be interested in improving their fitness, but either cannot or don’t want to go to a physical gym. 

There are many reasons why someone might not normally go to the gym. For example, some people might not feel comfortable or confident enough to work out around other people. Others might live in a rural area a fair distance away from any gyms. And, for those with disabilities, going to the gym might not be an accessible option. 

However, by holding fitness classes online, all your clients will need is the internet in order to join from the comfort of their own home, allowing you to be inclusive of all people, no matter their shape, size, skill level, location, or physical ability. 

Opportunity to not only educate, but increase conversions 

In order to host fitness classes online, this means you will first need to choose the right software or hosting platform for you. This brings with it its own host of benefits. A customer engagement platform can not only help you to educate your clients, but also increase conversions. 

This is because you will have the option of pre-recording your classes, or recording your classes live, which can then be uploaded to a content hub. Users can then access your training sessions whenever they want, from wherever they want. 

By allowing for self-education, this means you don’t have to worry about always being online – the customer engagement platform will always be online for you. 

Host at times that are convenient to you 

Not all trainers do so full time. In fact, some people might work a day job and simply love going to the gym, and want to make a little extra cash on the side. If this is the case, it can be difficult to take on clients whose hectic schedules work around your equally hectic schedule. 

However, the beauty of online fitness classes is that you can schedule them at times that suit you. And, if anyone happens to miss the class, they can still participate by viewing a replayed version at a time that suits them. 

Or, you could even pre-film the training session and simply broadcast it at a more convenient time for your clients. 

No need to worry about people ‘calling dibs’ on the equipment you need 

When you do fitness classes at a gym or fitness centre, one huge consideration is the equipment. What if there aren’t enough mats? What if the weights you need are already being used by someone else? 

However, the beauty of home workouts is that people can use whatever equipment they already have at home. Or, you can purposefully tailor your sessions so that those without weights can participate just as much as those who want to amp up the exercises with extra resistance. 


James Broadnax

The finance section is handled by James Broadnax. He is a guru when it comes to financial markets, equity, and market trends. If there is a Wall Street story waiting to happen, you’d best believe James will be there to report it!

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