How do you start over with a Clean-Slate after being Sick

Years ago, Dr. Christina Rahm was a mother and a scientist that was very sick with cancer and other auto-immune disorders.  She wanted to feel better and live healthier so she could raise her four children.  While she believes pharmaceutical solutions are imperative in treatments, the traditional answers were not enough for her.  She had a strong background in research and was working with the top Pharmaceutical/Biotech Companies in the world.  Her education was a combination of science, psychology, and nutrition. She had worked and traveled all over the world to help find solutions in health and wellness.  Fast forward to 2022, Dr. Christina Rahm used her love of her children and her brain for science and has helped create some of the best solutions for overall support of wellness, starting with a product aimed at cleaning and eradicating the inside of your body: Clean Slate.

Dr. Rahm believes that when a person is diagnosed with an illness or disease, it’s not just the disease or illness itself that needs to be fixed, but rather it is the underlying cause. Most of the time, the root of the cause is from environmental toxins or heavy metals. These toxins invade the body and wreak all kinds of havoc causing autoimmune diseases, cancers, reproductive problems and birth defects, mental defects, and weakening of the immune system.

Dr. Rahm met Clayton Thomas, the founder of The Root Brands in 2015.  At that time, she had worked on various formulations in the Supplement space but due to her own health issues and some of the issues her children had, she wanted to formulate a specific blend that targeted the root cause of the problem, cleaning out the bad from the body.  Clayton Thomas had over 20 years of healthcare experience and was one of the top experts in detoxification.  He had a background in environmental and animal sciences, and he asked Dr. Rahm to assist him with numerous companies in this area.  BUT it wasn’t until 2020 that Dr. Rahm was able to come up with the current formula that exist.

Clayton Thomas stated, “Dr. Rahm produced patents in environmental, human, and animal health with zeolites and silicas in 2015, but she no longer uses her first patents due to the advancements she learned at Harvard and Cornell and the changes that she felt needed to be made to Clean-Slate for it to be as efficacious and safe as she wanted it to be.  She was never happy with what she had produced until it was perfect.  She did over 100 formulations in this area and then finally, perfection! Thankfully, The Root Brands was able to license this product from her so that the world can have it.”

Dr. Rahm states, “We live in a world where are bodies continue to be attacked due to heavy metals, 5G, global changes, environmental toxins.  I love the world we live in, but I know that to stay healthy, I must clean the heavy metals out of my body.  I have traveled to over 80 countries and have had more vaccinations than anyone I know because I had to be vaccinated in order to go help in various areas of health.  I also stay on computer or use various tech systems over 16 hours on most days.  My mind and body need to be clean on the inside due to all of this exposure.  I want to live in this world and be healthy.  I want to have my children healthy.  Therefore, I made Clean-Slate.”

Formulated with patent-pending proprietary techniques that ignite the utility processes, Clean Slate was created by combining Bioavailable Silica from nature’s most powerful volcanic mineral, trace minerals, and Vitamin C. The result is revolutionary proprietary silica, with ingredients that work towards a higher standard of bioavailability, safety, and efficacy to support passive systemic cleansing of the body while simultaneously supporting the enhancing pathways to heal and regenerate. Clean Slate was designed for heavy metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, viral particles, glyphosate, agent orange, and depleted uranium.

As Clean Slates passes through the body, it assists the body by helping to bind to toxins, heavy metals, allergens, viral and bacterial particles, and other harmful substances. The cage-like structure of Clean Slate allows for passive elimination from the body through urine.  This same formulation is being used with other ingredients to help the environment through one or Dr. Rahm’s other ventures to help humanity.

Daily, we are exposed to microscopic toxins, free radicals, and heavy metals that severely impact our health. Environmental toxins, food contamination, water pollution, and chemicals in beauty and hygiene products can all wreak havoc on our health. Overtime, these toxins can accumulate in the body, leading to several health issues such as brain fog, fatigue, skin issues, or weakened immune system. That is why it is essential to eradicate harmful things out of our body and to remove them from your body. ROOT’s Clean-Slate was carefully formulated with bio-available patent pending silica derived from clinoptilolite, a high-dose of vitamin C, and an abundance of trace minerals to rid the body of toxins and heavy metals. In synergy, this formula assist with the supports of cellular eradication toxins, enhances immune system function, supports the body in its quest of healthy digestion and gut health, and focuses on helping the body increases energy production.

Clean Slate consists of three very powerful ingredients. Silicon dioxide (SiO2), also known as silica (derived from zeolite clinoptilolite), is a natural compound made of two of the earth’s most abundant materials: silicon (Si) and oxygen (O2), often from volcanic mineral. Due to several positive effects on health, including detoxification properties, the usage of clinoptilolite-based products increased enormously. Silica may assist the body and its natural ability to promote hair, skin, and nail health, boost bone health, remove toxins, and heavy metals from the body, enhance heart health, reduce digestive disorders, boost overall immune system health, accelerate the healing process, as well as potentially treat Alzheimer’s disease. An essential nutrient found mainly in fruits and vegetables. The body requires vitamin C to form and maintain bones, blood vessels, and sin. It is an antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. The vitamin also helps in stimulating the immune system. Root also derived from the Great Salt Lake of Utah, OmniMin Trace Minerals, which includes vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K, and the minerals calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper, iodine, manganese, and selenium; however, ROOT’s formulation has acquired over 75+ trace minerals. Trace minerals have essential functions including the following: being crucial building blocks for hundreds of enzymes, facilitating a multitude of biochemical reactions, being a requirement of normal growth and development as well as neurological functions, serving as antioxidants, and supporting the blood system.

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David Carty

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