Some Things Health Insurance Covers That May Surprise You

If you’ve got to pay for health insurance, why not ensure that you get the most bang for your buck? Here’s a quick look at some possibly surprising things that might be covered by your health insurance, depending on the type you have. Coverages and plans vary, but it’s well worth the time it takes to find out what yours covers.


Are you desperately in need of a massage? It may be covered by your insurance in certain cases. Try an online search using the phrase “physical therapy near me” if you suffer from chronic pain in your back or were involved in an accident. If you want it to be covered by your insurance, have a conversation with your regular doctor about it and get a referral from them.  

Hot Tubs

It’s both a bit crazy and a bit of good news to find out that some health insurance will actually cover a hot tub. The thing is, to get it covered, you actually do need to have a medical requirement for one. That can include certain types of injuries or spinal issues. If you do suffer from something of this nature, asking your physician for hot tub therapy would be helpful and can’t hurt. If they do think so, get them to write you a prescription for it. Then, get in touch with your insurance company. If you’re able to get a prescription and the policy you have doesn’t state specifically that it isn’t covered, it more than likely counts as Durable Medical Equipment (DME). These are things covered by most plans.


If you have a child over the age of three who isn’t potty trained yet, it can be both fiscally and emotionally draining. However, if this is due to a learning delay or a disability, you may be able to get the diapers you need at no cost to you. Depending on which state you live in, Medicaid covers diapers in situations such as this one. 

If your child happens to be a part of one of these categories, the odds are good that you might already have some form of Medicaid or other assistance. Contact the agency and see what they offer.


If you have a baby, you might have wondered if formula is covered by insurance. If you have a child who needs a prescription formula, like Nurtamigen or Alimentum, there’s a distinct possibility that it could be covered. Typically, this comes in the form of reimbursement, and the insurance company will have a specific process to follow in order to get paid. Save your receipts and remember that you pay for this benefit.

Gym Memberships

Let’s face it – your health insurance provider wants you to be healthy. People who are healthy don’t tend to file quite so many claims. Because of this, there are quite a few providers out there who will cover a membership in a gym in one form or another. Some of them work with specific gyms and will give you either a free membership or a discount. Others might offer you a specific amount as reimbursement for you paying for the membership.

Take a good long look at your current health insurance policy. You may be pleasantly surprised at some of the things it covers!


David Carty

The real estate section is covered by David Carty. Need any information on prices, rises and falls in the market, or genuine advice on what properties to watch out for? David has proven his mettle in the field through stellar reporting and story creation.

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