Eight Reasons you Should Earn an MBA Degree

What exactly is an MBA degree? A Master of Business Administration is a postgraduate degree program designed for people with prior work experience who want to learn more about business practices in depth. The MBA is a prestigious degree that employers highly value. 

For many professionals, earning an MBA appears to be the next logical step in their career development. The advantages of an MBA are applicable regardless of your industry or field of expertise. However, given the time and money required, some may wonder if pursuing an MBA is worthwhile. An MBA can help those who want to work in management, with financial institutions or as entrepreneurs to develop the leadership skills needed to succeed in these fields.

Advantages of an MBA

Completing an MBA program demonstrates a dedication to learning, improving and applying skills that will aid a company’s success. Furthermore, MBA professionals are more confident in their marketability and the wealth of information they can bring to various endeavors. These are just a few of the benefits of earning an MBA.

1. Career advancement 

Career advancement is one of the essential advantages of having an MBA. Some employers prefer that their management-level employees have the accreditation. People who do not have an MBA qualification may encounter a glass ceiling and find it difficult to advance in their careers. According to studies, MBA graduates are more likely than other employees in Fortune 500 companies to achieve top management positions.

There are various methods for establishing credibility in your company and industry. For example, you could volunteer for a project at work that takes you out of your comfort zone and allows you to demonstrate your hidden talents to company management. To establish early credibility as a budding entrepreneur, you could start a side business on your own or with family or friends. However, the MBA degree is the academic equivalent of street cred in business.

2. Networking opportunities

The relationships you form while studying are one of the most underappreciated benefits of an MBA program. The people you will meet during your MBA program will almost always be ambitious and career driven. The relationships formed in an MBA program are tough to replicate because of the teamwork and intense environment. The ability to call on these people in the future can offer numerous advantages.

3. Prepares you for business

MBA candidates are typically young businesspeople with at least two years of professional experience. However, senior employees who are up for the challenge may also apply. MBA classes will help you develop the skills required to run a successful business. So, what is an MBA degree if not an opportunity to step outside of one’s comfort zone? You’ll learn about the most recent international business trends, how to use the most recent management tools and techniques, and how to challenge yourself to improve your business, teams and collaboration. What is an MBA degree if not the most effective way to prepare for today’s ever-changing business environment? You will be required to adapt to unavoidable changes in industries, the marketplace and business practices throughout your career.

4. Learn transferable skills

According to the job site Indeed, transferrable skills are those that are useful to employees in a variety of jobs and industries. This includes a combination of soft and hard skills, which an MBA program can help you develop. You will gain in-demand soft skills through discussions and collaboration with your fellow students. As an MBA student, you will also complete practical and relevant assignments that will assist you in honing the hard skills that employers seek. If you’re pursuing an MBA and hoping to change careers, having these transferable skills will help you. These abilities can be highlighted on resumes and during interviews.

Changing careers can seem like an impossible dream, especially if you have been in the same industry for a long time. However, learning new skills could be just what you need to jump-start your transition from one career to another. Even if your background is unusual for the positions you are interested in, an MBA will provide you with the education and skills you need to become a more qualified candidate.

5. Potential to earn more

According to some recent studies, the average MBA graduate’s salary is 50% higher than before earning their degree. Even more impressive, the average wage increased by 80% in the five years following the completion of their MBA. These figures demonstrate the financial rewards of an MBA, but they do not address the personal fulfillment that comes with increased responsibility – another huge benefit.

6. Become a problem solver

One of the primary goals of an MBA is to improve your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. You’ll learn to think outside departmental silos and apply a holistic approach to solving problems affecting an organization’s strategic direction.

7. Communicate better

MBA graduates frequently communicate more effectively at work with coworkers, bosses and employees. However, these communication skills can be used at home with your significant other, children, parents or siblings, as well as in social situations such as networking events or company functions. Being a better communicator is vital in everyday life, regardless of where or when you communicate your needs and solutions.

8. Job security

The knowledge, skills and expertise gained through an MBA can help you become a strong team member, which usually leads to more job security with your current employer and within your current industry. This means that leadership teams may value your expertise more than attempting to find a candidate with a different degree. Even if you find yourself looking for a new job, having a graduate degree can increase your chances of finding another position quickly.

How to get started

When applying for a Master of Business Administration (MBA), you may be motivated by the fact that this diploma will help you in your future career. However, before entering the world of further education, you must complete the application process and meet specific requirements. We’ve created an essential MBA application checklist because applying for an MBA is a big step in your academic, personal and professional life. This will summarize the most important factors to consider during your application process.

Paperwork – An accredited undergraduate degree is required for your MBA application. Take the time to prepare official transcripts as proof of your previous studies and accomplishments. Other materials may be required depending on your country of origin and the university to which you intend to apply. Passports and proof of identity are the most frequently requested documents. Most business schools do not require a Bachelor’s degree to enroll in an MBA program. Such programs actively seek students from diverse backgrounds to join their ranks.

GPA – Maintain a high grade-point average while pursuing your Bachelor’s degree (GPA). Many business schools prefer applicants who have a GPA of 3.6 or higher. If your GPA is lower, try to compensate by performing well on your admissions exams.

Work experience – Although there are programs for recent college graduates, many MBA programs prefer applicants with a few years of work experience. Admissions officers prefer applicants who have steadily advanced in their careers and require an MBA to advance to the next level. To stand out to business schools, try to gain more professional responsibility.

GMAT/GRE exam – The GMAT or GRE is required for admission to business school. These standardized tests use multiple-choice questions to assess your quantitative and verbal abilities. Each examination takes more than three hours to complete. Test experts recommend three to six months of study time to succeed. So, what constitutes a good score? The simple answer is that a good score will get you into the program. The more complicated answer involves average test scores, which vary by business school. Alternatively, an AACSB online MBA no GMAT program can skip this section if you don’t have time for additional studying.

Examples/evidence – We often associate leadership with leading people or managing a project. Leadership can encompass many activities, from producing a high school play to tutoring younger children in math. Examine your past for instances when you raised your hand, caused something to happen or had an impact. To remember these events, when you need to reproduce evidence, you could create a ‘brag sheet’ virtually or on paper. You’ll have plenty of leadership examples to draw from when you apply.

Be you – Trying to be the ideal candidate or writing an essay about who you believe the admissions committee wants to read about is the quickest way to have your application rejected. People can tell when you’re not being genuine, just like in your personal life, and telling a mundane story about being an excellent team member doesn’t demonstrate any personality or character. Remember, you’re competing with startup founders, investment bankers and valedictorians. Find a way to stand out and tell a story about why you’d make a unique contribution to the class.

What you will learn

A general MBA will help you develop multidisciplinary and international perspectives while also teaching you the concepts of significant management issues. In addition, it will give you a toolbox full of techniques for analyzing business and management problems. This includes the ability to critically analyze, synthesize and apply knowledge and understanding to solve management problems rationally, logically and rigorously.

Managers must be able to make both intelligent and final decisions, which must be supported by knowledge of modern management and information systems, which is another skill covered by an MBA. You’ll also learn how to assert yourself, be an effective, innovative leader, and take charge of your personal development. Lastly, managing people requires interpersonal skills and the ability to inspire and control a group, which an MBA teaches you.

In comparison to other degree types, most MBA programs are very practice-oriented. In a typical MBA program, you will have the opportunity to participate in study trips to actual companies, hear from local business leaders and participate in consulting projects organized by your school. You can also complete an internship or participate in extracurricular activities such as case competitions to gain more hands-on experience.

By the time you finish your MBA, you should understand how different business verticals interact and collaborate successfully with people from various backgrounds. Skills gained from an MBA program can help you reap immediate benefits. Students can improve their management and leadership skills by learning about leadership, strategy, analytics, change management and other topics. Having an MBA and these skills can help you advance in your career. 


An MBA is a long-term investment in your future. Studying for your Master of Business Administration degree is a promising path if you want to take on a leadership role and earn opportunities to climb the corporate ladder. MBA coursework focuses heavily on the abilities required to make corporate decisions and inspire others to perform at their best.

Technology is rapidly advancing. The workforce dynamics are changing as a result of automation. In addition, markets are becoming increasingly competitive. All these challenges raise the stakes for business leaders to new heights. Companies seeking a competitive advantage require managers who can attract, train and motivate top talent while keeping an eye on the bottom line. MBA graduates are uniquely qualified for this critical position. MBA graduates have the interpersonal leadership skills and emotional intelligence needed to be a successful manager. They also have cross-functional business knowledge and skills that allow them to break down barriers and improve efficiency. As the rate of change quickens, these skills will be put to the test — and will be make or break for growing businesses.


David Carty

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