How Jax Fanucci Overcame Tremendous Adversity and Still Found Her True Calling

Jax Fanucci has been through enough adversity to last ten lifetimes. She suffered from severe anorexia nervosa for 15 years, was bullied in high school, and has dealt with devastating loss within her family. To cope, she turned to excessive exercise that left her wheelchair bound with a laundry list of physical injuries. But, even with all she’s been through in her life, Jax has persisted.

She is now 28 years old and has found success on YouTube documenting her anorexia recovery. Jax’s courage to persist through all of the obstacles life has thrown at her is incredible, but what’s more impressive is her courage to document her road to recovery and be open to her vulnerabilities.

Jax was told that she wouldn’t live to the end of the year by doctors, yet she’s proven them all wrong. She works with her mother owning and running the largest kids lifestyle program in the UAE and inspires others to overcome their struggles with anorexia or any other eating disorder by sharing her own struggles and road to recovery. She’s turned 15 years of lost experiences and memories battling anorexia into a video series exploring Dubai and encourages others to step out of their comfort zone.

While her struggles with anorexia took up the better part of 15 years, Jax has turned her past into an incredible source of motivation for her future. She became inspired to pursue entrepreneurship because she realized that she had 15 years to catch up on, and has fallen in love with the uncertainty of entrepreneurship. Jax has quickly realized that she’ll never be able to grow into something special if she stays afraid to commit fully to her future, and has thus made the decision to “jump in” to her career with both feet in the deep end.

Jax is living proof that a setback only means that something bigger and better is waiting, and if plans A, B, and C don’t work out they simply weren’t meant to be, because there’s a better option that’s not been thought up yet. She has dealt with more trauma and adversity and is happier and more fulfilled than ever today doing what she loves. Life doesn’t work against you, it works for you, and if you are ever struggling to believe this, take Jax’s advice: It is the absolute truth.

Now that Jax has stepped outside her comfort zone and begun documenting her journey on social media and YouTube, the sky truly is the limit for her and her future.


Carl Vickers

Carl Vickers is the creator of Business Deccan and is a talented writer who specializes in stories related to the economy. He spearheads the team and helps to mould them into better writers, by focusing on quality over quantity, and ethical publishing. He is a true torchbearer in the field of reporting sans prejudice, and leads by example.

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