Four Things You Can Do To Make More While Working Less With Isabella Sanchez

Most entrepreneurs think if they stop hustling, they’ll lose everything they work so hard to build. So they put in 16-hour workdays and get chained to their laptop. Suddenly, their dream business turns into a nightmare, and they wish they never left their regular job. But it doesn’t have to be this way. According to Isabella Sanchez, if you want to scale your business to 6 figures and beyond, you need to make smart decisions instead of hustling your way to exhaustion. Here are four things you can do to make more while working less.

First, surround yourself with people who inspire you to grow. When she was just starting her business, Isabella only had a few clients, and she didn’t know what steps to take to reach 6-figures. Then, she joined a high-level mastermind and learned from other entrepreneurs. She wasn’t afraid anymore because she knew what to do to reach her goal. In her own words: ”being surrounded by women who challenge and support me instead of competing with me, I accomplished more in 6 months than I had in the past few years.”

The next thing you can do to make more money while working less is straightforward: raise your prices. Most business owners think that when they increase their fees, their customers will magically disappear. That’s not true. When you price premium, you can deliver a better product or service and consequently get more, better clients. Try it and be amazed by the results. 

Third of all, fix your beliefs about money. The truth is, when you make more money, you can help more people. Instead of thinking of it as a limited resource, look at it from a place of abundance. Once you do that, it starts flowing towards you.

Finally, to make 6-figures a year, avoid spending your time on 10$ tasks. As of right now, time is your most valuable asset, and you can’t afford to waste it on low-level tasks. Instead, hire an assistant and shift your focus towards projects that move the needle.

Who Is Isabella Sanchez: A Brief Overview

Isabella is an entrepreneur who built a multiple 6-figure business with less than 2,000 followers on Instagram and 500 people on her email list. A few years before starting her own business, she was a stressed and broke actor, Youtuber, and freelancer, but today she’s living her dream life serving other women in entrepreneurship, scaling her business, while having plenty of time to take care of herself and her family.


All in all, if you want to get to make more while working less, you need to surround yourself with people ahead of you, raise your fees, fix your beliefs around money and prioritize tasks that move the needle. If you want to learn more about Isabella, then feel free to check out her Instagram account by clicking here or visit her website here.


Carl Vickers

Carl Vickers is the creator of Business Deccan and is a talented writer who specializes in stories related to the economy. He spearheads the team and helps to mould them into better writers, by focusing on quality over quantity, and ethical publishing. He is a true torchbearer in the field of reporting sans prejudice, and leads by example.

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